From February 17, 2025 our new address is:


Zeppelinstraat 4

2652 XB  Berkel en Rodenrijs


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Little Dutch is soon to launch its new B2B portal where registered resellers can purchase Little Dutch's textile collections.  This portal will also act as a news portal for business relations, providing updates on new collections and products, insight into pending orders and back orders, stock notifications, upcoming events and other relevant news.

The Little Dutch product range is developed in collaboration with various licensed partners. Licensed products can be purchased from the licensee concerned.  All Little Dutch Trading B.V. products are available via the new B2B portal.

With the new B2B portal, Little Dutch aims to make it even easier for its resellers to place orders. User-friendliness and efficiency for our resellers are therefore paramount.

We would like to hear from you if you have any comments or suggestions regarding the renewed B2B portal. These can be emailed to


Set language and country

The new B2B portal is multilingual, as the previous one was. Once again you can choose between Dutch, English, German and French. 

A globe is displayed at the top right of the screen. If you click on the globe you can change your preferred language to Dutch, English, German or French and select the country in which you are established from a drop-down menu.



To place an order, you must first log in to your account via our B2B portal.
At the top right of the screen you will see 'LOG IN’ below the aforementioned globe. Clicking 'LOG IN’ will take you to the login page.

To be able to log in to your account via our B2B portal, you will need both an email address and a password. If you are already a customer with us, you will receive the required email address by email from our Sales Support department.

Create password
When you log in for the first time, you will be required to create a password. To create and set a password click on 'Forgot password'. Once you have set your password, you will be able to use it.

Forgotten your password?
If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by clicking on 'Forgot password'.

Problems logging in?
If you have problems logging in to your account, it is best to contact our Sales Support department.


Placing an order

Once you have successfully logged into your account on our B2B portal you can place orders, among other things.

Our range can be viewed in several ways, namely:

  • Collection
  • Category
  • Search bar

*Our outlet items can be viewed both at the collection level and by using the search bar. outlet items are not shown between the current collections.

The Little Dutch range on the B2B portal consists of:

  • In-stock products
    The available quantities of these products are shown at product level.
  • Out of stock products – expected stock date
    These products are shown at product level together with an indication of when Little Dutch expects to have them in stock and available for your order again.
  • Out of stock products – available as back orders
    These products are shown at product level together with an indication that they can be ordered as back order.


Fill shopping cart

Both in-stock and out-of-stock products – available as back orders can be added to your shopping cart. There are two ways of adding products to your shopping cart.

  1. Click on the shop logo on either the category page or collection page. A pop-up screen will appear, where you can click 'add to shopping cart'.
  2. Clicking the 'add to shopping cart' button on the product page will also directly add the product to your shopping cart.


My account

Logging in to your account on our B2B portal enables various options. You can access your account by clicking on your company name at the top right, see image below.

 When doing so, a menu will open on the right. The various parts of My Account are explained below:

In the overview you will find your personal details and an overview of your order. Note: the image will show a product from your last order. Click on 'Details' below the image to view your latest order. Click on 'All Orders' to view all the orders that you have placed through this portal.

When you click on 'Overview', the following parts are visible:

  • Personal details
    Here you will find your company details. Click on 'View' to view more information.
  • Orders
    If any orders have been placed via this B2B portal, the latest order will be displayed here. Click 'All orders' to view all the orders you have placed.
  • Wish list
    If you have placed any items on your wish list, some of those items will be displayed here. Click 'View' to view your entire wish list.

In 'Orders' you can find an overview of the orders that have been placed through this portal. Clicking 'Details' when placing an order will enable you to view the entire order.

Back orders
If a product is temporarily sold out but due to be restocked, Little Dutch offers you the option of pre-ordering it. This is indicated at product level for the relevant products. However, these back order products will only be delivered to you once they are in stock and are subject to a minimum total back order value of € x.

Wish list
It is possible to make a wish list in our B2B shop. You can do this by clicking on 'Add to wish list' at product level. The products on a wish list are saved. The wish list can be expanded/reduced as required.  If required, it is also possible to share your Wish List with colleagues. At the bottom of the wish list you will find a URL which you can share.

Stock notifications
If a product is sold out and cannot be ordered as a back order, it is possible to register for the relevant product(s) by entering your email address. When the products are back in stock, you will receive a stock notification for each product by email. An overview of the products for which you have registered can be found in the Stock Notifications overview.

When you click 'Data' in the menu, your company details will be displayed.  If you notice an error or would like to make any changes to these details, we kindly request you to inform our Sales Support department accordingly by email.

Address book
Your address details can be found in the address book. If you notice an error or would like to make any changes to these details, we kindly request you to inform our Sales Support department accordingly by email.

Change password
If you want to change your password, you can do this by clicking 'Change password' in the menu. You will first be required to enter your old password once and then the new password twice.

Log out
If you want to log out from your account on the portal, click 'Log out' in the menu.

Forgot password

Go to the login screen and click on the button 'Forgot password?'. Enter your e-mail address and click on 'reset password'. You will receive an e-mail with a new password, this password can be changed after logging in to your account. 

Little Dutch company information

Company information can be found here.

General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions can be viewed here.


The disclaimer can be found here.

Privacy statement?

The Privacy Statement can be found here.

Subscribing to the newsletter

As a customer, you are automatically subscribed to our newsletter. If you no longer receive our newsletter because you have unsubscribed, whether by accident or intentionally, or are unsure about this, please get in touch with your Sales contact.

A newsletter is sent out once every quarter with interesting news about our collections, blogs, events and promotions. In addition, your contact person will send you other important information such as new licensing partners, new contact persons, trade fair information or other information by e-mail.

Would you like to come in contact with us?

If you could not find the answer to your question at the FAQ, please use the contact form below. Our support team will get back to you as soon as possible!

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